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How to Increase Engagement on LinkedIn Company Page

“How can I increase engagement on my company or showcase page on LinkedIn?” This is a common question I receive, and I mean a lot. If you already have a content strategy in place and you’re posting consistently, what’s the next step?

Let’s backtrack a bit. If you haven’t done the basics yet, here are your initial steps:

  1. Complete Your Company Page: Ensure all aspects of your company page are filled out – cover image, banner, about section with relevant keywords, add a link, contact info, etc.
  2. Develop a Content Strategy: Define your goals and identify the various audiences you want to connect with through your content.Conduct an audit of your existing content and platforms.Determine the types of content you can consistently create, such as blog posts, case studies, images/infographics, or videos.Create a content calendar to maintain consistency over the long term.If you need inspiration and a way to easily manage your LinkedIn company page, checkout Blabigo.
  3. Post Regularly: LinkedIn notes that companies posting weekly experience a 2x increase in engagement. Incorporate images for a 2x boost in comments and videos for 5x more engagement. Consistency is vital for both you and your audience.We have built an easy to use platform that helps companies all around the world boost their consistency. With Blabigo, we will suggest content ideas, generate drafts for your and help you with the formatting and scheduling of your posts on LinkedIn.
  4. Invite Followers: Although time-consuming, manually reaching out to individuals who will find value in your company page is worthwhile. Avoid spamming and make personal connections.

Once you’ve completed these steps, what’s next?

It’s time to be more social. Many companies overlook a simple yet powerful practice – commenting on other posts using your company page. Whether due to unawareness or neglect, this is an area often missed.

If you’re a super admin or content admin for your company LinkedIn page, you can comment or react to content as the page itself. Although the default setting prompts engagement as yourself, it’s now quite simple to engage as your company page. Click the down arrow next to your name in the comment area on desktop, and you’re good to go.

Comment as Company Page setting.

Clicking on the down arrow will pop up a box with the list of pages available to comment as. Simply ‘switch to’ that page, click save, and engage with the post.

Comment, react and repost as company page on LinkedIn.

Please note that the profile photo in the comment area will always indicate whether you are engaging as an individual or your business page. Switching to your page for each unique post you want to engage with is necessary.

Engaging with posts as your business page carries the same benefits as engaging as an individual. It enhances visibility for your company page, thereby expanding your reach.

Moreover, engagement fosters valuable brand relationships. LinkedIn thrives on meaningful conversations, and consistent engagement builds trust while showcasing your company’s voice and message within the LinkedIn community.

Engaging creates a ripple effect, much like a spider web. When you comment on posts as your page, your network sees the comment. As others engage, their networks see it, creating a cascading effect. The power of LinkedIn’s organic reach is substantial and should not be underestimated.

Engaging as your page offers a chance to sidestep the algorithm. Content on your page must meet LinkedIn’s criteria for broader reach, but when you comment on posts as your page, you actively choose your audience and the content you want to be associated with, bypassing the algorithm’s limitations.

Organic engagement is the core of LinkedIn. Dedicate time each day to engage as your company, as it’s an opportunity to share your corporate voice, showcase your brand, and ultimately grow your following. Is your company seizing this opportunity? If not, consider doing so now. Feel free to reach out with any questions – we’re here to help.

The Blabigo team.


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